A Taste of Scouting: Award-Winning Dutch Oven Apple Cobbler

A Taste of Scouting: Award-Winning Dutch Oven Apple Cobbler

Hey Scouting America! Welcome back to the channel. I'm Miss Alice, and today, we're diving into the world of Dutch Oven cooking with a mouthwatering recipe for apple cobbler. But wait, there's a secret ingredient that's going to take this dessert to the next level of sweetness. So, let's get started!

On my honor, I'll do my best to guide you through this recipe, because as we know, a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, and helpful. Joining me today are Robert, Robbie, and Derek, who are going to walk us through their award-winning apple cobbler recipe, Dutch Oven style. Take it away, Robert!

Robert begins by explaining the simplicity of this recipe – just five ingredients are needed to create a delicious dessert that will have your taste buds singing. First up, four tablespoons of butter are strategically placed on the bottom of the Dutch Oven. This not only adds flavor but also prevents the cobbler from sticking and burning.

Next, Derek adds the classic yellow cake mix, covering the butter to create a solid base for the cobbler. Then comes the star of the show – the apple pie filling. Pour it over the cake mix, ensuring every corner is filled with fruity goodness. The remaining cake mix is then sprinkled over the fruit filling, creating a delightful contrast of textures.

But here's where things get interesting – the secret ingredient: a full bottle of Coca-Cola. Yes, you heard that right! Pour the Coca-Cola over the cobbler, infusing it with a hint of sweetness that takes this dessert to new heights.

To add the finishing touch, sprinkle ground cinnamon over the top until it feels just right. Four final pats of butter are placed evenly around the top, sealing in the flavors and ensuring a golden brown crust.

With all the ingredients in place, it's time to put the lid on the Dutch Oven and let it work its magic. Simulate 350 degrees Fahrenheit by placing coals underneath and on top of the oven, and let the cobbler cook for 45 minutes.

But here's the trick – every 15 minutes, give the Dutch Oven a quarter turn to ensure even cooking. It's a simple step that makes all the difference in achieving that perfect, golden-brown crust.

After 45 minutes, it's time to check on our masterpiece. Carefully remove the lid and take a peek inside. The aroma of warm apples and cinnamon fills the air, and our cobbler looks absolutely divine.

Using a spoon, Robert checks the consistency, ensuring that nothing sticks to it. A few more minutes in the oven, and our cobbler will be ready to serve.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives – it's time to dig in! As the team takes their first bites, their faces light up with delight. The combination of sweet apples, tender cake, and a hint of Coca-Cola creates a flavor sensation unlike any other.

And there you have it – an award-winning Dutch Oven apple cobbler that's sure to impress even the toughest critics. So, the next time you're out camping or simply craving a delicious dessert, give this recipe a try. Trust me, it's better than Grandma made it – but don't worry, your secret's safe with us!

Thanks for joining us on this culinary adventure. Until next time, happy cooking, and happy scouting!