Brewing Adventure: Making Coffee with a Camping French Press

Brewing Adventure: Making Coffee with a Camping French Press

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Welcome back to our outdoor escapades. Today, we're embarking on a coffee-making journey with a twist – we're using a camping French press. Join me as I walk you through the process of brewing the perfect cup of joe amidst the wilderness.

So, let's dive right in. I recently picked up this nifty camping French press from Academy – a budget-friendly find at around 20 bucks. With no need for filters or complicated setups, it's the ideal companion for brewing coffee on the go.

But before we get started, I realize I forgot to grab the coffee. Hold tight, I'll be right back.

Ah, here we go! Now, beside our coffee-making adventure, I also have some cold brew prepared from last night. It's a simple process – just like making regular coffee, but you let it cool off overnight. Perfect for those who enjoy a refreshing cold brew.

Alright, let's gather our essentials. Along with the French press, we'll need a burner to heat our water. And here's one – ready to go.

Now, let's fill up the French press with water up to the designated fill line. This should be enough to make three or four cups of coffee, perfect for sharing with friends or indulging in a caffeine boost all to yourself.

As they say, "cooking with gas!" The water should come to a boil in just a few minutes. Though I can't watch the pot boil, it'll be done before we know it.

Once the water is heated, it's time to add the coffee grounds. I usually go for about seven scoops, but feel free to adjust according to your preference. Give it a good stir to ensure all the grounds are properly soaked.

Now, my favorite part – watching the crema form as we wait for the coffee to steep. It's a sight to behold, even for non-coffee drinkers.

After a couple of minutes, it's time for another stir before we begin the pressing process. Carefully plunge the French press, applying gentle pressure to avoid any spills.

Inside the French press, you'll find a small screen filter, just like a regular one. It ensures a smooth and flavorful brew, minus the need for disposable filters.

Ah, can you smell that sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee? It's a welcoming scent for any outdoor enthusiast.

And voila! Our wake-up juice is ready to be savored. But wait, there's more – I also have some cold brew on hand for those who prefer a chilled caffeine fix.

The beauty of using a camping French press is its simplicity and portability. With just a few basic ingredients and tools, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee wherever your adventures take you.

And there you have it – brewing adventure with a camping French press. Cheers to many more outdoor coffee-making escapades!

So, who's up for the first cup? Don't worry; there's plenty to go around. Here's to unforgettable adventures and endless cups of coffee shared among friends. Cheers!